Monday, September 6, 2010

ENG 100-20: Questions for Reflecting and Writing #1 (129-130)

Chayse Adams
ENG 100-20

“Rite of Passage” by Anthony Brandt (124)

Questions for Reflection and Writing, number 1 (129-130)

    I can relate to this passage in a way. My family went through a similar scenario with my Great Grandpa John who died about a year ago. After my Great Grandma Joy died he lived on his own for around eight years until he could no longer drive and do errands such as get groceries and go to the bank. It became hard to for him to get around in his own home and cook for himself.

    That’s when my grandparents decided to move him into their home. They drove him to do his errands, helped dress and feed him, and all his other necessities. He lived with them for around a year and a half to two years. Grandpa John loved baseball; he watched the Royals game every night. He went with my grandparents to all of my brother and I’s baseball games. He was very sharp and understood the game and the way it was played.

    Towards the end of his time spent at my grandparent’s home, Grandpa John started becoming forgetful. He understood baseball less and less as time passed. He forgot and mixed up names of family members and friends. I feel his comprehension of life and the world going on around him became more incoherent and overall foggy as time went on. He started walking around with his pants at his ankles and began to fall more frequently. My grandparents were at work through the day and it became too dangerous to leave him home alone at that point so they decided to move him into a nursing home.

    The nursing home was located approximately 20 minutes North from their home so it was not too far away to visit every few days, at least on the weekends. The whole rest of the family went to visit him on occasions when they found time. Great Grandpa John lived in that nursing home for around half a year until he passed away. Family and friends came from all around to attend his visitation and funeral. Grandpa John was a great man and I will always love and remember him. I am grateful for the time I got to spend with him in his final years.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chayse,

    Thank you for sharing. Unlike what I have read, you provide a close examination of one relative in your family. You bring in supporting detail (e.g. your own stories). Well done. Keep up the good work.
