Sunday, September 19, 2010

ENG: 100- Task 1 Self Evaluation

                                                                                                                                         Chayse J. Adams
Self Evaluation
·         What is the thesis for your paper?
·         List the main points you make in your paper.
The thesis for my paper is how wrestling has inspired me to be who I am today. The main points for my thesis are: #1: how losing can be a learning experience and what there is to gain from losing and how a loss can better prepare you to win. I also explain that what works for me in wrestling also works for other aspects of life, such as taking test or study habits. #2: Winning plays an important role on continued success as well. When you win or achive a goal, note what it took to get there and what steps or procedures you followed. #3: Different quotes or phrases that have impacted me in wrestling and other parts of life. I give a few examples and explain how they have impacted me. #4: I conclude me paper explaining that wrestling has impacted me greatly and forever set the way I handle life and its loses, victories, and my thought process to achieving my goals.
·         What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
·         What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
            The most helpful advice I received from my peer evaluation of my paper was probably letting me know that my quotes were good but I listed too many and they got a little broad for my subject. I was also told that my explanation of emotions were very good, so when I narrowed the topic of my paper, it seemed important enough to not get rid of some important details I elaborated on the most important information I received in class for my paper would have to be Ms. Chastain’s advice on getting rid of some of my quotes and keeping ones that were more relevant to my paper. Also to elaborate or explain on how the quotes I used had affected me at some point in time compared to as just listing the quote and moving on.
·         How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
            When the assignment was first given out I wrote a list of possible ideas or topics I could write about. Shortly after, within the next day or two I decide on writing about wrestling and I used the cluster technique and list all possible ideas I had on the paper. I revised, added, and narrowed my ideas while making a cleaner, more on the path I wanted to write about, new cluster draft. In a couple days I wrote my first draft. I did this first draft in one setting. I revised it myself and again with my class and Professor, Ms. Chastain, when at class two days later. About three days later I rewrote my draft with my peer reviews and advice from Ms. Chastain making it my second draft plus the two clusters I had made prior to draft one. Finally I had a close friend of mine who is majoring in writing look over it and he had just a few pointers for me and the next night I wrote my final draft which I will be turning in on Monday, September 20, 2010 tomorrow during class.
·         What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
·         What are you most pleased with about this paper?
            I tried to make sure the information I incorporated in my paper was all relevant to the subject but I tended to drift off every now and then, I believe I fixed this problem for the most part when revising my drafts over the last weeks but my next paper I feel I need to try harder to not let that become an issue from the start. I feel that What pleases me the most about this paper is the fact that I got to write about what I love, wrestling, and that I got to explain how it is important to me and share my experience with the class and my professor.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chayse,

    I appreciate your honest opinion here. I should call you the "Quote Man." :) Just kidding of course. How does the cluster effect work for you? Is this an approach that you were taught in HS? If it does work, I am happy that this is part of your writing process.

    I'm also happy that my comments were helpful for you. Perhaps, I can help with the next draft as well.

    Ms. C
