Monday, October 4, 2010

English 100-20 A Writer’s Response pg. 212-214 “Becoming Educated”

Chayse J. Adams
English 100-20
English 100-20 A Writer’s Response pg. 212-214 “Becoming Educated”
                             My early expectations for college classes were that it was going to be extremely hard, the work would be very hard and take forever, I would have to study for a long time every night, and the teachers would be mean and very uncaring. The reality of my college experience, so far at least, is somewhat close to what I predicted but not near as bad as I thought. College is tough, but it’s more just putting in the time that would cause any problems for me. I feel I have no problem learning the materials yet; it’s just taking the time to do the studying. I do study every night, and I’m up until around twelve every night but my classes usually don’t start until late morning so it’s not that bad for me. Teachers at Missouri Western State University actually are very caring, at least to my experiences. The do not care if you don’t bother doing your work but if you need help, if you show you’re trying and just need some assistance, they will do what they can for you most of the time. I really thought that they would not bother helping you and that they were just there to make a paycheck, but it’s not that different from high school as long as you make it clear that you really are putting the time in and trying.
                             Similarities would be that I too put in long hours but I get a lot more sleep than three or four hours. I too pretty much have one chance to get this college thing right. If I fail I won’t really get another chance at it, at least not very easily, it would be so much more of a struggle that I don’t want to have to think about it; right now I have it made. My experiences are different in that my teachers do not call upon any one group of students more than any other. I have to study but I am not, behind anyone in my classes, where I have to study more to compensate for a lack of anything like Barbra Jordan did.

1 comment:

  1. HI Chayse,

    I am happy that you chose to mention your contrast with Jordan. Although as you do mention, you do have to stay up until nearly midnight. I can tell that you are a serious student who does take his studies seriously and by this account, professors will help you. You are the kind of student that we will actually help because we can see that you are trying.

    Ms. C
