Sunday, October 31, 2010

Analysis on “Save Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools” by Jonathan Kozol (57-67).

Kozol states that children from the poorer schools will never be able to get into the “magnet” schools. The biggest problem the children face is themselves, they are not dumb and see the statistics and know that they will never get in because of who they are and where they come from. I can’t imagine how discouraging it must be to those students who feel they don’t have a chance. The parents also play a role in getting their children admitted to the magnet schools. My parents are well educated people and if I had the opportunity to get into one of the magnet schools if I lived in the areas Kozol discusses, my parents could be educated enough to help teach and prepare me to get into those magnet schools, which is exactly what is happening while the less educated parents of children from the lower income areas were likely dropouts and cannot even read well enough to help their children do better to get better opportunities than they, the parents, had. It seems to me that the quality of the education received in these areas is like a never ending vicious circle, the upper class parents help their children, and their children receive opportunities and become the upper class, then they do as their parents did for them and the circle continues to leave the lower class behind and the students continue to dropout, and when they become parents, they are not well enough educated to help their children, and so the circle continues for them as well.

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