Monday, October 18, 2010

“Where College Fails Us” Questions for Reflecting and Writing

Chayse Adams
Eng: 100-20
Questions for Reflecting and Writing
“Where College Fails Us”
            My experiences in college have been very beneficial to me so far. I have learned a lot in my English class. It has made me a tremendously better writer in helping me gather my own thoughts and putting them down on paper, or computer. It has made me a better typer while doing so. I am much more proficient on reading a text, comprehending and analyzing it, and writing my thoughts about a passage as well as being able to state what the writers intensions were on writing for the readers.
            I have learned a lot about time management and its importance on my success both in the classroom and with my daily life. Not that I did not manage my time well before but I tended to procrastinate some and now when I think of what tasks I need to do I do them by priority to be sure to get the most out of the time I spend doing my daily tasks. I have gotten better with this because of my UNV class which is my freshmen study hall class which is actually not a study hall at all it turns out.  
            My art class is not really beneficial to me. I do know more about art and analyzing why and how it was created and by whom but I really don’t think there is much I will take from that class that will benefit me in the years to come other than personal satisfaction of understanding a piece of art when I see one, which is virtually everywhere you have and ever will look, I still feel that there is not much point in that class.
            I have decided to go to college and further my education because it has been told to me that by doing so I will be able to find something that interests me and I will make a good paycheck and be able to better provide for myself and my future family in doing so. From what I’ve been told, college seems like it is worth it but it is a big investment in time and money and I hope the payoff is good but to be truly honest, after reading this last passage, it is a little discouraging and heartbreaking if I must say that the investment of a college diploma may be worthless and I really hope I did not make a mistake in this investment. If I come out of college with nothing to show for it job and opportunity wise, not only will I be disappointed myself and in a debt I strongly regret of have taking the risk of perusing this dream to be able to live more comfortably but the fear of disappointing my family is overwhelming in its self. I guess I will have to finish what I’ve started to find out.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chayse,

    You bring up an excellent point. You write,

    "From what I’ve been told, college seems like it is worth it but it is a big investment in time and money and I hope the payoff is good but to be truly honest, after reading this last passage, it is a little discouraging and heartbreaking if I must say that the investment of a college diploma may be worthless and I really hope I did not make a mistake in this investment. If I come out of college with nothing to show for it job and opportunity wise, not only will I be disappointed myself and in a debt I strongly regret of have taking the risk of perusing this dream to be able to live more comfortably but the fear of disappointing my family is overwhelming in its self. I guess I will have to finish what I’ve started to find out."

    I too share with you your opinion that I hope that what I am paying is not a waist. Right now, the economy is improving only slightly. It will take time for the effects of the recession to diminish, but who knows the length of this time. However, as an optimist, I do believe that the value of education is in tact. I have been able to question my own beliefs and have reaffirmed and modified my opinion of which was instilled by my parents. Needless to say, I'm considered "the liberal one." :)

    Please keep this kind of response up. Kudos. I like that you have brought in what the essay has stated. I think that you can go to further lengths in terms of relating your experience to the author's.

    Ms. C
