Thursday, April 21, 2011

Blog response to Valenti’s, Full Frontal Feminism, page 234

Chayse J. Adams
ENG: 104
Blog response to Valenti’s, Full Frontal Feminism, page 234
In Jessica Valenti’s, Full Frontal Feminism, page 234, she states, “To be a lesbian is to be perceived as someone who has stepped out of line, who has moved out of sexual/economic dependence on a male, who is woman-identified. A lesbian is perceived as someone who can live without a man, and who is therefore (however illogically) against men”.
                To Jessica Valenti, I believe you are that kind of woman! A radical, lesbian, feminist who believes all other feminists and lesbians are as psychotic as you are and you are the only crazy, excuse me but you have a potty mouth as well, bitch who is perceived that way! Do I mind feminists who are trying to lose the dependency on males? No. I believe everyone should be able to fend for themselves, so I support that 100%. Do I dislike lesbians, even if they are feminists? No. I am not one of those guys who are like, “lesbians! Let’s see ‘em make out”!  I believe being gay is not the way nature intended humans to be because males have a dick and females have a vagina and when you put them together that’s how you make babies. The entire purpose of life besides eat, shit, sleep, repeat is to reproduce and keep the human population expanding and existing on this earth! You can say bull $hit like, to find love and be a good person, but that’s not what it’s about! Look at every other animal on this planet, it’s all about reproducing and making sure your babies survive to do it again… On that matter, two men or two women alone cannot physically reproduce and there for are useless to the human population as a whole. However I don’t give a flying fuck who you want to be with, male or female, it doesn’t matter. I don’t care myself but it’s in the bible that you cannot be gay and go to heaven. He obviously knew that being gay was useless to the human population too. Does that make gays some crazy bad people who are useless to the world? NO! It just means they aren’t going to contribute to the survival of mankind. And in my opinion, there are too many people in this world anyways and if a few want to be gay let them it’s like never failing birth control so it can help prevent overpopulation in a sense… Valenti has her facts all fucked up because a lot of people I know don’t even see being lesbian as a statement to say you don’t need men, but actually you do because you would not be born if it wasn’t for SOME guy, even if your daddy was a sperm donor and both your parents were gay… humans would be completely extinct off the earth in one life time if every person on the entire planet turned gay at once! Women need men just as much as men need women! Yes I admitted, men need women, duhhh!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24, 2011 blog post: page 185-192

Chayse J. Adams
Ms. Chastain
March 24, 2011
English 104
Gangsta Culture by; Bell Hooks
The reading this week is from The Hip Hop Reader, Gangsta Culture by; Bell Hooks, pages 185-192. In this passage Hooks writes about how black males grow up hearing that they won’t amount to anything. That they will end up on the streets and that’s the only life for them. That they are not smart enough to be head of corporations and in the government. They will find themselves amongst the streets living the life of a gangsta by the time they are six. The media and propaganda all suggest and promote the stereotype as well. Instead of staying in school and furthering their education to eventually land a job or career to legitimately earn a income they, black males, fall to the influence of life on the streets as a gangsta.
Those black males who fell to the influence of the streets who are men, who had potential and the ability to earn an education, even if they came from poverty, now resided in prisons or jail or worse, dead. Reverting to crime rather than joining the workforce that places them on the bottom, they find themselves locked up. The problem with our prison system is that it is mainly a place where only the strong survive, like Darwin’s theory, survival of the fittest, they only practice how to become stronger on the streets and engage in the forming of gangs and clicks as they did on the streets.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Class Blog Assignment/ March 10, 2011

Chayse J. Adams
Ms. Chastain
Class Blog Assignment
March 10, 2011
3) Use this space to explore more of your own claim. How did you arrive at your research question? What is it that interests you? What do you wish to explore and why? Spend this space developing your argument.
I arrived at my research question, “When or what are the circumstances to which it becomes not forced rape?” because it is a very real situation in this time and age, and it is a really touchy subject and I think it would be interesting to explore. The part that interests me most is that, I am a companionate person and feel pity for the poor individuals who have to endure this kind of abuse. Being a male and knowing the thoughts of the male gender when they look at a woman is one thing but I can’t understand what would drive an individual to want to do such a thing to another human being. I wish to explore what the political term is for actual “forced rape.” I also wish to explore the topic of, if there is any federal funding for women who have been raped and what the qualifications of “forced rape” are to meet the standards for federal funded abortions. I believe women should not have to carry the child of a rapist and wish to find out if they have to take care of this matter through personal funds or not because, frankly, if they do have to handle these matters personally, I think it’s bullshit! I feel if surtin qualifications are met they should be able to receive some sort of support from the government to handle these matters.
PS: I could not figure out how to spell the highlighted word, a replacement word could be, “particular”.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Chayse J. Adams
Ms. Chastain
Eng. 104
Blog- Jan. 27, 2011
Blog Response to the following Questions:
Tell us about the ad you have chosen. Spend some time describing the ad in detail. How does it objectify a male or female? Next briefly identify the intended audience. Go further than identifying young, white women. Use the example that I have provided you with for the writing assignment for the first essay. Discuss how and why that ad targets this audience. Use supporting details from the ad to support your claim.

I have chosen the ad for Spike TV’s series, Blue Mountain State, shown at the bottom of this blog for my writing assignment. In this ad there is a young, extremely attractive, blond haired woman looking to be in her younger twenties. She is wearing white tennis shoes and long, white sports socks with three black stripes towards the top. She has black underwear that shows at the waistband just above her extremely short grey, athletic “booty” shorts. She is wearing a white tank top style of athletic compression top that shows most of her stomach. The woman straddles or rides on top of a giant football that has “BMS Blue Mountain State” written as the logo on the side of the football. She arches her back inward with her arms in the air and hands running through her hair as if she is signifying an orgasm by sexual pleasure. Behind the woman at chest height the phrase, “It’s All About the Scoring.”
This ad objectifies young white women in their twenties. It could also objectify women athletes such as cheerleaders. The as does this by taking typical athletic wear of women and through her posture and how she styles the clothing, turns the attitude of the ad into a more sexual intended and oriented ad than it would have been for a woman athlete to just stand next to a big football.
The intended audience for this ad is typically straight men ranging from the ages of 17-25, who are most likely single or at least not married. This ad would attract the attention of college men or football fans or men in general as a whole would be enticed by this advertisement. This ad would detour some men in these categories as well though, these men would be those who their religion would reject this kind of show and also the church member who was watching it. There are a number of religions that would not approve of this show. Another deterrent of this show could be moral beliefs of some people that would see this show as morally wrong.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Writerly Biography of Myself, Chayse Adams

Chayse J. Adams
College Writing and Rhetoric, blog response.

A Writerly Biography of Myself, Chayse Adams
            My name is Chayse Jacobus Adams, I am 19 years old and I am starting my second semester as a freshman at Missouri Western State University. I was born and raised here in St. Joseph Mo. My experiences with reading have not been as good as my experiences with writing. Although I am not a great writer, yet, I have always managed to do decently well in writing, which I believe may be because of the creative person I am. I like to talk and tell stories and that’s generally what writing is, without the excitement of getting to throw facial expressions and move my hands in every which direction. I do that because I am one of those people who talk with their hands even if someone tells me not to 5 seconds before, I’ll get lost in my thoughts and story and sure enough they’ll be flailing everywhere in a matter of moments. Not that you don’t already know me Ms. Chastain, but now anyone else might be beginning to get a glimpse of the funny, charming, all around goofy person that I comfortably am.
            My reading experiences are few and far between. It seems that from as early in my childhood that I can remember, reading has always been more of a chore and a means of getting any pleasure or enjoyment out of my day. To put it simply, I just seem to find better, more productive ways to spend my time. However in recent years I have found a “few” books that I would say I actually have enjoyed spending my time in such a manner. But only a “few”! As a writer I have always struggled with the use of commas and spelling. Those would be my two biggest problems in which I will be looking and asking for assistance on this semester from the instructor and my peers. Because I have never been an avid reader, I am extremely slow! However, odd as it may be, I have always had extremely high comprehensive skills, which I believe may be because I read so slow that I really take in each word and take the time to understand what I am reading. Another theory to that may be that I try to comprehend and fully understand what I read and that is why I am so slow.  Two rather good theories I believe. When I say I am a slow reader, I also want to clarify that I do not read like a 4th grader, just probably a little under the average speed of a typical freshman in college. My schedule consists of a lot of reading this semester, that would probably be the most intimidating factor for myself that I can come up with at this point in time.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Evaluation of blogging

Chayse Adams
Eng 100-20
December 10, 2010
Evaluation of blogging
Because of English 100 my reading skills have improved due to all of the short stories from the Introduction to College Writing book that you have assigned this the semester. My reading comprehension skills have also improved as well. I believe it is because of how you made us analyze each story and look for deeper meanings and other interpretations of each story. My actual typing abilities have improved due to the fact that we do almost all if not all of our assignments on computers in this class. Which typing is a skill that I will need to be building up for every college class I will have, so it is a very good plus that just came without having to actually try. My writing abilities such as being able to put my thoughts down on paper, or computer, have drastically changed for the better as well. Everything we have done forces you to do critical thinking and being able to write the words in an understandable way to express my thoughts more clearly.
                I think of the blogs as a kind of journal that we are forced to keep. I don’t necessarily enjoy writing them but I don’t really mind it either. Also, there are benefits in keeping the blogs in the since that they are a reference if you want to go back and remind yourself of the main points and focus of a story it you choose to write about it later. You can use parts of your actual blogs in some of your papers so you can save time if you’ve already expressed thoughts or ideas about it once already. The blogs are a hassle sometimes, but I would rather do them and make use of them every now and then than not  blogging and end up running around in the dark about a paper, so I think they are very useful.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Questions for Reflection and Writing, Question #1 (pg. 232-236)

Chayse Adams
English 100-20
Questions for Reflection and Writing, Question #1
Richard Rodriguez, The Lonely, Good Company of Books (pg. 232-236)
            My relationship with books is not very strong. For the longest dime I actually despised books. I did not enjoy reading and I was very slow at it, so it took me forever to read anything, which did not help. I couldn’t figure out why in the world anyone would ever want to waste their time reading when they could be outside playing or hanging out with friends or chasing girls. The point is there is so many things for a person to do, so why would they, like Richard Rodriguez says, feel alone to their thoughts like you are talking to yourself all alone in a completely empty room. At least that is how I felt about reading throughout elementary and high school.
            Although my idea and perception of books has changed a little, I still do not have much to do with books or any reading for that matter, unless it is specifically for school or something else of importance to me. My favorite books to read, if I had to, would be war stories and old westerns, like cowboys and stuff. Although I was forced to pick a book from a list in one of my classes to read for an assignment, my all time favorite book would have to be With the Old Breed, E.B. Sledge. I have never enjoyed a book so much as that one. It really just drew my attention in and kept me interested for what was about to happen next. That was a rare and mysterious feeling for me, I did enjoy it, but I don’t think I’ll be reading a bunch of more books to find one that gives me the same feeling. I might buy it sometime though, I saw it at Target about two weeks ago and just about bought it because I wouldn’t mind reading it again sometime.