Thursday, January 20, 2011

A Writerly Biography of Myself, Chayse Adams

Chayse J. Adams
College Writing and Rhetoric, blog response.

A Writerly Biography of Myself, Chayse Adams
            My name is Chayse Jacobus Adams, I am 19 years old and I am starting my second semester as a freshman at Missouri Western State University. I was born and raised here in St. Joseph Mo. My experiences with reading have not been as good as my experiences with writing. Although I am not a great writer, yet, I have always managed to do decently well in writing, which I believe may be because of the creative person I am. I like to talk and tell stories and that’s generally what writing is, without the excitement of getting to throw facial expressions and move my hands in every which direction. I do that because I am one of those people who talk with their hands even if someone tells me not to 5 seconds before, I’ll get lost in my thoughts and story and sure enough they’ll be flailing everywhere in a matter of moments. Not that you don’t already know me Ms. Chastain, but now anyone else might be beginning to get a glimpse of the funny, charming, all around goofy person that I comfortably am.
            My reading experiences are few and far between. It seems that from as early in my childhood that I can remember, reading has always been more of a chore and a means of getting any pleasure or enjoyment out of my day. To put it simply, I just seem to find better, more productive ways to spend my time. However in recent years I have found a “few” books that I would say I actually have enjoyed spending my time in such a manner. But only a “few”! As a writer I have always struggled with the use of commas and spelling. Those would be my two biggest problems in which I will be looking and asking for assistance on this semester from the instructor and my peers. Because I have never been an avid reader, I am extremely slow! However, odd as it may be, I have always had extremely high comprehensive skills, which I believe may be because I read so slow that I really take in each word and take the time to understand what I am reading. Another theory to that may be that I try to comprehend and fully understand what I read and that is why I am so slow.  Two rather good theories I believe. When I say I am a slow reader, I also want to clarify that I do not read like a 4th grader, just probably a little under the average speed of a typical freshman in college. My schedule consists of a lot of reading this semester, that would probably be the most intimidating factor for myself that I can come up with at this point in time.

1 comment:

  1. HI Chayse,

    Welcome back! I'm happy that I did not scare you off last semester.

    I know that reading has been something of a challenge for you and this semester may present you with a challenge; nonetheless, I commend you on "sticking" it out because I did inform you last semester that we would be doing A LOT of reading. That being said, tell me about your interactions with GenMe. You had 2 to 3 days to read 15 pages. How long did it take? How did you practice active reading strategies? (Or did you not). Did you have to go back and read this section a second time? Why did you or did you not enjoy reading the intro to GenMe?

    MS. C
