Monday, November 29, 2010

Homework for Nov. 19th Please accept late

Chayse Adams
Eng: 100-20
My Experiences with Reading and Writing
Before this course I thought I was a decent writer, and that I could manage college English classes, I soon realized that it might be that I had the right founding blocks for becoming a decent writer. I am defiantly not a decent writer, yet. It became abundantly clear that my writing skills would be pushed. They continue to be pushed harder and harder every week, but at a manageable pace, if you stick to what you are supposed to be doing and staying focused.
I started to be unsure that I would be able to cope with the ever increasing work load that my professors continued to pile on. Then I dug my way through it until I could see some light again and began to relax a bit. I have just now returned back to school from Fall Break, It was very pleasant and not shockingly, went by too fast. I took it pretty easy over the break, enjoying myself as much as possible. I just recently realized that was a huge mistake! I have fallen behind, procrastinated long enough that I have a few weeks to achieve what I need to get done, however, I feel I waited too long and now it’s going to be hell digging myself out of this hole. In case you were wandering, it was not worth all that free time because now I’m really regretting every second of it I spent doing anything else other than school work.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chayse,

    I'm thankful that you have realized that you are actually a writer. We are all when we think of it. Somehow each day, we do some kind of writing. What we need to do in order to harness this craft, which hopefully you are doing in this course, is realizing your weaknesses and working toward fixing those. What do you think your weaknesses are as a writer? What will you continue to work on in 104?

    Ms. C
