Thursday, March 24, 2011

March 24, 2011 blog post: page 185-192

Chayse J. Adams
Ms. Chastain
March 24, 2011
English 104
Gangsta Culture by; Bell Hooks
The reading this week is from The Hip Hop Reader, Gangsta Culture by; Bell Hooks, pages 185-192. In this passage Hooks writes about how black males grow up hearing that they won’t amount to anything. That they will end up on the streets and that’s the only life for them. That they are not smart enough to be head of corporations and in the government. They will find themselves amongst the streets living the life of a gangsta by the time they are six. The media and propaganda all suggest and promote the stereotype as well. Instead of staying in school and furthering their education to eventually land a job or career to legitimately earn a income they, black males, fall to the influence of life on the streets as a gangsta.
Those black males who fell to the influence of the streets who are men, who had potential and the ability to earn an education, even if they came from poverty, now resided in prisons or jail or worse, dead. Reverting to crime rather than joining the workforce that places them on the bottom, they find themselves locked up. The problem with our prison system is that it is mainly a place where only the strong survive, like Darwin’s theory, survival of the fittest, they only practice how to become stronger on the streets and engage in the forming of gangs and clicks as they did on the streets.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Class Blog Assignment/ March 10, 2011

Chayse J. Adams
Ms. Chastain
Class Blog Assignment
March 10, 2011
3) Use this space to explore more of your own claim. How did you arrive at your research question? What is it that interests you? What do you wish to explore and why? Spend this space developing your argument.
I arrived at my research question, “When or what are the circumstances to which it becomes not forced rape?” because it is a very real situation in this time and age, and it is a really touchy subject and I think it would be interesting to explore. The part that interests me most is that, I am a companionate person and feel pity for the poor individuals who have to endure this kind of abuse. Being a male and knowing the thoughts of the male gender when they look at a woman is one thing but I can’t understand what would drive an individual to want to do such a thing to another human being. I wish to explore what the political term is for actual “forced rape.” I also wish to explore the topic of, if there is any federal funding for women who have been raped and what the qualifications of “forced rape” are to meet the standards for federal funded abortions. I believe women should not have to carry the child of a rapist and wish to find out if they have to take care of this matter through personal funds or not because, frankly, if they do have to handle these matters personally, I think it’s bullshit! I feel if surtin qualifications are met they should be able to receive some sort of support from the government to handle these matters.
PS: I could not figure out how to spell the highlighted word, a replacement word could be, “particular”.